How do Root Rescue Frozen Wellness Shots compare to the rest? Part I.

Not all products are created equal.

Powdered products are typically created through a lengthy dehydration process where the applied heat removes the essential volatile oils in the the natural root. With the loss of the natural oils, bioavailability is reduced- which is why you so often see it mixed with Piperidine/Black Pepper. 

Compared with other frozen or juice products, our Root Rescue shots contain no added fillers and do not use traditional freezing techniques such as blast freezing. Under normal conditions of freezing, large water crystals are formed, damaging the cell membranes resulting in altered taste, texture and nutritional values. 

Our Patent Pending process of stabilizing biological materials at cryogenic temperatures, a.k.a cryopreservation, has advantages over traditional freezing techniques. Here's why:

  1. Freezing at cryogenic temperatures there are more sites of nucleation (points where ice crystal forms), resulting in smaller crystal formation and less damage to the cellular membrane integrity. This is why food texture and taste is maintained after cryopreservation.
  2. Cryopreservation inhibits the growth of microorganisms and slows down chemical changes known to affect/cause food spoilage.

The quality of a frozen products is largely dependent on the rate of freezing of the product. Slow cooling leads to freezing external to the cell before the intracellular ice begins to form. As this happens and there is less water outside the cell, the osmotic balance is shifts resulting in intracellular water leaving the cell and degradation of the cell.

In contrast, fast cooling minimizes the effects of water leaving the cell, because more intracellular ice is formed thereby minimizing the osmotic imbalance. 

There's a need to maintain the cellular structural integrity, appearance and taste of the juice after cold-pressing. In particular, there is a need to freeze the juice at the correct rate in such a way that minimizes damage to the cellular integrity of the juice product.


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