Meet the Founders

Dr. Ravi Mohan is a Physician and an Assistant Professor in Toronto, Canada. He completed his medical training at the University of Toronto and holds a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Oxford.

In December 2016, Dr. Mohan's life changed.

He woke one day with nonspecific chest pain. Despite being an avid fitness enthusiast who competes in road races, half-marathons and Spartan Obstacle Course races, an ultrasound uncovered an enlarged heart struggling to function.

An MRI scan was even more ominous: it revealed that more than 50% of his heart was completely replaced by scar tissue. 

In January 2017, Ravi was officially diagnosed with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle). 6 weeks after this diagnosis, a repeat ultrasound showed a 60% improvement in his heart function–a remarkable improvement that couldn't be attributed to the one medication he started alone...

So, what else changed?

6 weeks on a regimen of Ginger, Turmeric, Wheatgrass shots. That’s it.

We know one anecdote doesn't make a study but for Dr. Mohan and his wife, Helen, it was enough to want to share their anti-inflammatory discovery journey with you!